Fit Mouth, Fit Body: The Link Between Physical Fitness and Oral Health

Something is missing in your oral care routine!
You might think you’ve heard it all before: Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, and don’t forget to floss. Keep an eye on your diet. Don’t forget to wear your retainer. But there’s one thing that isn’t talked about enough when it comes to your oral health: physical fitness. Did you know that exercise might just be that missing link to helping your smile be the best it can be?
Studies suggest that our fitness directly correlates to our oral health. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to sign up for CrossFit or exercise for two hours a day. But doing something every day to strengthen your body and get it moving can make a lasting improvement on your overall health. As expected, regular exercise will improve how you feel in your own body, but it will also give your brain needed endorphins, improving your mood. Exercise affects every part of your body—including your mouth!
Understanding Enamel Erosion and Exercise
Enamel erosion happens for several reasons. The first is low saliva flow. This can be due to health conditions, dehydration, or mouth breathing. It can lead to tooth sensitivity and a greater risk of cavities.
The second reason for enamel erosion is soft drinks. This is actually one of the leading causes of cavities. The sugar and acids in carbonated drinks adhere to the teeth, interacting with harmful oral bacteria and eating away at the enamel.
A third reason for enamel erosion is increased friction. If you are in a season of stress, there is a good chance you are grinding your teeth. This increased friction weakens the enamel, which causes it to wear faster and makes it more likely to chip or crack.
But what do these have to do with exercise?
Regular exercise releases endorphins, which can drastically improve your stress levels. In turn, this helps you sleep better at night and makes you less likely to grind those teeth. As you make a healthier lifestyle for yourself, you’ll also be more likely to adjust your diet. This could very well be in the form of dropping the sodas and upping your water intake!
Hold on! One extra thing…
There is another important thing to note: While exercising, it’s important to train yourself to breathe through your nose. This can be difficult depending on what sort of exercise you are doing. But with some effort, it will get easier over time. Breathing through your mouth dries it out. You don’t want to slow the flow of saliva because that is what helps neutralize acids to protect your teeth against enamel erosion, tooth decay, and gum disease.
Preventive Measures Through Exercise
With everything in life, consistency is key. Staying consistent with your new exercise routine can change your life in more ways than you could imagine. Not only will you become stronger, but your confidence will skyrocket, and your overall health will thank you! Exercise reduces inflammation and stimulates saliva, which both positively affect oral health. You’ll be preventing potential injuries, diseases (both systemic and oral), and tooth decay all at the same time.
Physical health encourages good oral hygiene.
Finding this new love for yourself opens up a new world, bright and full of possibilities! When you start prioritizing yourself, it causes a chain reaction. For example, when you start exercising regularly, you will likely start finding other areas in your life that you would like to improve, like your daily oral care routine. Over time, you’ll take better care of yourself than you ever thought possible.
The Power of Effective Exercise on Oral Health
Exercise provides a myriad of benefits, such as weight loss, muscle strength, mental well-being, and injury prevention. But those aren’t the only things that regular exercise can help! It can even lower your chances of enamel erosion and gum disease. Who knows, you might even find yourself looking forward to that next dental visit!
While you’re planning to make positive changes in your life, don’t be afraid to try to add some movement in there. It doesn’t have to be anything extreme! Your body will thank you for whatever you can provide.
We here at Berrien Dental are here for you every step of the way. Whether you are at the start of your oral health journey, are due for a professional cleaning, or want cosmetic dental treatment, we are here to keep your smile shining bright. We believe that everyone deserves high-quality dentistry, and we are ready to welcome you to your new dental home.